When dealing with children everything matters. That is why we are adding social stuff to soccer. This is the plan for this...
7 weeks of intense activities
4 basic social skills lots of football stuff
A single match each week
Expect unlimited fun and learning

We shall start with time keeping. Coach Okipi will literally be the ringer. He believes in consistency too so expect those “why won’t he attend?” calls.

Coach Jose will share his housekeeping and leadership spirit. Good for our captains and goalkeepers. We hope this will encourage them to pass the ball to each other, learn the essense of teamwork, following instructions and reduce the complaining.

Coach Jimmy will make sure we have fun. Who doesn’t like fun? Children? You bet not. This is should be our fuel. When things get tough, Fun should be our inspiration and focus. The reminder of what the players are training for.

Coach Zabu will work on their footwork. He is a champion of ambidextrity too so the kids should be ready for that too.

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