Last updated: 25-12-2023


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We reserve the right to make changes to this Terms of Service at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last Updated” date of this Terms of Service. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Terms of Service on the Site, and you waive the right to receive specific notice of each such change or modification.

You are encouraged to periodically review these terms of service to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Terms of Service by your continued use of our training services on the date such revised Terms of service is posted.

Our privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal data.


Our mission is to Nurture talents through knowledge, skills and impeccable services that empower individuals and communities. To help advance this mission, we provide the products and services described below to you:

  • Provide an environment to horn your talent and skills:
    Chipuka Football Academy avails access to well trained football coaches, psychologists, mentors, and personnel to fashion your talents and skill. Additionally, Chipuka provides facilities that are up to date to provide a conducive environment for the development of such skills.
  • Provide a platform to showcase your talent:
    The primary goal of Chipuka Football is to ensure you never miss an opportunity to sell your talent to the world. Chipuka gives you every chance to portray what you have acquired or developed through matches and tournaments, scouting opportunities, linking to available schools that can facilitate the monetization of your talent.
  • Promote the safety, security, and integrity of our services, combat harmful conduct, and keep our community of players safe.
    We use and develop advanced technologies – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and match prediction systems - so that players, coaches as well as parents can make quick, precise decisions, get efficient services that guarantee the safety of the player in the pitch and off the pitch.
  • Research ways to make our services better:
    We engage in research to develop, test, and improve our Products. This includes analyzing data we have about our users and understanding how people use our Products, for example by conducting surveys and testing and troubleshooting new features. Our Privacy Policy explains how we use data to support this research for the purposes of developing and improving our services.


Registration involves the process of admittance of a player to Chipuka Football Club. Each player is expected to go through the registration process and comply with the policies and terms and conditions of the Club.

The registration process starts with the online filling of the guardian’s details, approval by the admissions board, then lastly, payment of admission fees. All registration is done online through Chipuka’s website.

Upon complete registration of a player, the player will be given three pairs of jerseys and expected to attend all training sessions.

Photo shoot

Newly registered players must have a photoshoot session before they officially start training. For our policy on photos and media, please check the Media section.


New players will be assigned a coach that will do thorough assessment of the player’s abilities, write a recommendation to both Chipuka and the parent on the state of the new player before allocating a team and coach to the player.

Players that require weight loss regimens will be given deltas that they must achieve before they start formal training and during the training. Special instructions will be given to the parents and guardians on how to achieve it. Players that fail to achieve 50% of the deltas will automatically be de-registered.


Training is mandatory for all children. Each player is expected to attend all training sessions. Any player that plans to miss a training session should pass the information with the reason for missing training clearly indicated. Players that miss more than 50% of each month’s training sessions are subject to suspension by the football academy.


Training sessions are periods of times stipulated by the coaches for evaluation, enhancement and of various skills in football. Each session is carried out by a coach with one or more players.

All players must attend all training sessions in a season.


Training duration will last at least 3 months or one season. Each year of 12 months will have three seasons. A player will only seize training after completing at least one season of training.

Chipuka will send a training schedule for each player at least 2 days in advance.

All players are required to arrive at least 20 minutes before the stipulated time. Normal training takes at most 2 hours. If training is to be extended beyond 2 hours, both the players and the parents will be informed before the commencement of the training session.

All players are required to attend and participate in the full session or as instructed by the coach.


All players are expected to be fully dressed in Chipuka’s sports jerseys (shirt, shorts, socks and boots) before every training session. All dressing should be clean, loosely-fitting, and in good condition.

Girls are allowed to have clothing that covers their hair, thighs, waist, and upper arm. The clothing should be slightly loose, made of natural fibers and easy to cut or tear in case of an emergency or health concern.

Protective clothing should be worn by all players.

Chipuka will provide clothing (pinnie/bibs) that will be used to identify players on the pitch. Each player will take the responsibility of ensuring the clothing is in good shape. Players are required to return the clothing at the end of each training session or as instructed by the respective coaches.


All players are constantly being assessed by the coaches. Frequently, the players will be given reports on their performance index and the club will take necessary actions when necessary.

All underperforming players will be dropped from their respectful categories and start personal training.

Players that do not make any improvement even when they have been assigned a personal trainer will be dropped from the academy.


Suspension of a player entails full or partial denial of training, playing and/or participation in any or all the academy’s activity, priviledges that the player might get from Chipuka and its affiliates or partners, and other benefits of being in the academy.

All suspension notices will be given to players and their parents by word of mouth, official email and/or a formal written letter addressed to the affected party.

Suspension will only be carried out on gross disciplinary issues, breach of terms and conditions and breach of any of Chipuka’s policies.


The minimum period of suspension will be two (2) weeks or 4 training sessions and one (1) match and a maximum of seven (7) weeks or 12 training sessions and 4 matches.

All suspension will be lifted upon resolution of the cause, reception of a formal written apology from both the player, and the parent by Chipuka.


Suspensions are subject to repeal from the player or the player’s parent. For a repeal to be considered, the parent of the player must request in writing and send an official letter to Chipuka to ask for a repeal stating the issues to consider and the reason for the repeal. The coaches will then allocate a day to discuss the matter with the parent and the player and all the other affected parties. Upon a consensus, the three parties will discuss the matter and come to a consensus.

A player’s coach reserves the right to issue a suspension, retain one and uplift the suspension.


Players that miss training for more than 3 months will automatically be deregistered from Chipuka. They will seize to receive notifications, communication, and invitation to all events and sessions.

Deregistration does not clear all debt or charges that were accrued by the player while at Chipuka. The player is expected to clear the debt before registration.


Chipuka will charge various fees to facilitate the activities of the academy. All these fees are to be paid by the player’s parents or guardian before the delivery of the relevant service. Fee payment should be made through the official means provided by the academy. Chipuka will not accept any payment to any of its staff members as a settlement for any charges.


Registration fee is a one-time nonrefundable fee that is paid immediately after registration of the player of the academy’s online portal. Chipuka will charge a fee of $155 or KES. 25,000 to facilitate the registration process of a new player. Registration fee will cater for acquisition of a player number, player’s data card, 1 pair of white jersey (short, shirt, and socks), 1 pair of green jersey (short, shirt, and socks), 1 pair of navy jersey (short, shirt, and socks), and the training fee for the first month of training.

The registration fee is non-refundable.


Each player will pay a fee of KES. 4500, monthly for a period of at least 3 months.

Training fees should be on a seasonal basis or a monthly basis. The fee that is paid monthly should be paid before the 5th day of every month.

The training fee is non-refundable.

Tournament /Trip participation

Chipuka will charge its players for tournaments or trips that the club will participate in. Each player is required to pay the fees before the stated deadline.

A refund policy on tournament participation fees is indicated for each tournament or trip’s terms, and conditions.


This is a non-refundable fee that is charged on a previously de-registered player.

Chipuka will charge a re-registration fee of 15,000 shillings upon the return of a player to Chipuka.


Chipuka will be holding 3 football camps every 12 months. Each camp will take at least 14 days and at most 40 days. Chipuka players must attend all three camps.


Matches are mandatory for all players. Matches form the basis of Chipuka’s assessment of the players performance. Matches will follow the guidelines provided by FIFA, FKF, the matches organizers, and other governing bodies.

Players are expected to avail themselves for the matches. Each player will participate in the matches. The playtime that each player gets in a match will be determined by the player’s coach.

Parents are expected to support their children in the matches. Parents should NOT interfere with coaching and officiating during matches.


Chipuka will take audio-visual copies of its players, coaches, staff, and customers for the promotion of its activities.

Chipuka reserves the right to own, produce, and distribute the media content that it captures. All media that is collected by Chipuka will be used by Chipuka for at least one year after the exit of a player from Chipuka football.

Parents are expected to support their children in the matches. Parents should NOT interfere with coaching and officiating during matches.


Chipuka will collect KYC data of the player and the parents as required by the government. The player and parents are not obligated to give out their personal details, but this will prevent Chipuka from offering services that deem the data as vital.

Check out Chipuka’s privacy policy to know more about the KYC data that we collect.


We will provide a conducive environment that is centered towards the proper upbringing of a mentally sound child. Chipuka's staff, parents, players and their relatives are supposed to conduct themselves in a morally sound manner.


Parents are required to support their children, on and off the pitch. They must discuss with the players how to conduct themselves in the environment they will get at Chipuka.

Chipuka will collect KYC data of the player and the parents as required by the government. The player and parents are not obligated to give out their personal details, but this will prevent Chipuka from offering services that deem the data as vital.

Parents should exercise a high degree of common decency when interacting with children on the pitch and /or off the pitch.

Use of foul language near and with children is prohibited.

Parents should dress up in non-revealing clothing when tending to their children, close to where children are and when interacting with other parents.


Players are expected to dress up in official attire of the club during training, matches and special events.

Players are not allowed to wear clothing that is not approved by Chipuka.

All jewelry should be removed while playing.

Players are required to maintain a high level of discipline for each other, their parents and Chipuka’s staff. They should show respect to everyone, practice good etiquette and overall human decency.

Players are expected to be clean, well groomed, and practice good hygiene.

Players should take good care of the environment and public property. This applies to both Chipuka’s training grounds, other club’s facilities, and places that Chipuka visits.


If you have questions or comments about this Terms of Service, please contact us at:

Chipuka Football Academy

37073 - 00200, Nairobi

[email protected]

+254 710 577577